The sky this morning is clear and seeing is fair. Since I miss doing white light solar work, I reverse my work flow this morning and start out with white light observation and imaging. Most prominent subject of course is beautiful AR11195 Sunspot Group which shows a nice complex structure.
Small AR11186 Sunspot Group is relatively inconspicious in white light wavelength but has active solar activity in H-Alpha wavelength. AR11193 Sunspot Group is near the NW limb and is showing Wilson Effect thus features are almost dull because of this effect although a lot of faculae can be seen surrounding it.
I wasn't able to image in H-Alpha wavelength as I got obstructed already by our roof :( Anyway, I will try to see if I can setup in our laundry area to get some H-Alpha images if weather still ok around lunchtime.

At around lunchtime, I brought out the PST-Ha into our laundry area and took a few shots of the Sun in Ha wavelength. AR11195 Sunspot Group continues to grown in size while small AR11196 Sunspot Group shows its beauty in Ha amid its puny size and feature in white light :) There are lots of dark filaments in the NE limb and a joy to look at as well!
Lastly, departing AR11193 Sunspot Group continues to show its activeness in Ha light while about to exit the NW limb. Seeing is again very poor during the imaging session.