Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Deep Sky Imaging Session - April 21, 2020

After doing an errand to buy some grocery for our home use, i got back home for a very late dinner and saw the sky once again tempting me to image again so after getting some rest, i went up again to our roof deck past midnight and was able to image NGC5139 Omega Centauri globular star cluster in Centaurus which is again positioned very low in the sky less than 30deg SW. I got to expose for around 39 minutes total exposure before I got obstructed :( Afterwards, I try to image M4 , another globular star cluster in Scorpius with a short 24 minutes total exposure only as I had to deal with meridian flip. The last but not the least, one of my favorite deep sky objects, the pair of M8 Lagoon and M20 Triffid Nebula in Sagittarius to wrap up my imaging session with only a total exposure of 24 minutes as dawn catches up with me. I use my old Borg 76ED refractor in tandem with Vixen GPDX mount and ASI294 MC Pro.

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