I together with members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP), as well as PLM Astrosoc and RTU MS Astro students / members went to Caliraya , Laguna last March 13 to have our Stargazing / Imaging and Messier Marathon 2010 event there. More than 37 members, guest and Messier Marathoners attended the event.
While setting up for the activity, we were able to observe a broken rainbow in the eastern horizon and we were worried a bit as there is large rainclouds hovering in the horizon :(

As for me, I did my usual imaging routine but unfortunately, the early evening skies was compromised by passing clouds as well as some short burst of rains so I waited till after midnight before the sky was steadily clear and I quickly made polar alignment. The rest of the Messier Marathoners as well as guests, on the meantime, were doing their activities.
For this session, I was able to image only the following and I hope to make another return here during the Lenten vacation days to do some more imaging of the deep skies.

M4 Globular Star Cluster in Scorpius

M8 Lagoon and M20 Triffid Nebula in Sagittarius

Summer Milky Way in the Scorpius / Sagittarius Region
Just before sunrise, the thin crescent Moon rose from the eastern horizon through the clouds for me to image it together with a nice earthshine :)

Thin Crescent Moon

Thin Crescent Moon with Earthshine

Me after a tiring but enjoyable imaging session

ALPers and participants posed after a successful and enjoyable stargazing / imaging / Messier Marathon 2010 event!

Wacky Shot ! Till next Messier Marathon 2011 !
Official Messier Marathon 2010 results as well as full details and more images of the activity will be posted at the ALP webpage at http://www.astroleaguephils.org in the days to come!