I together with members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP), as well as PLM Astrosoc and RTU MS Astro students / members went to Caliraya , Laguna last March 13 to have our Stargazing / Imaging and Messier Marathon 2010 event there. More than 37 members, guest and Messier Marathoners attended the event.
While setting up for the activity, we were able to observe a broken rainbow in the eastern horizon and we were worried a bit as there is large rainclouds hovering in the horizon :(

As for me, I did my usual imaging routine but unfortunately, the early evening skies was compromised by passing clouds as well as some short burst of rains so I waited till after midnight before the sky was steadily clear and I quickly made polar alignment. The rest of the Messier Marathoners as well as guests, on the meantime, were doing their activities.
For this session, I was able to image only the following and I hope to make another return here during the Lenten vacation days to do some more imaging of the deep skies.

ALPers and participants posed after a successful and enjoyable stargazing / imaging / Messier Marathon 2010 event!

Wacky Shot ! Till next Messier Marathon 2011 !
Official Messier Marathon 2010 results as well as full details and more images of the activity will be posted at the ALP webpage at http://www.astroleaguephils.org in the days to come!
nice marathon..
Congratulations for the succesful event! I wish I could be a part of such activity. Perhaps in the near future. Kudos to you Sir James and to the ALP!
Kevin,nice shots! Well I can't wait to purchase my own DSLR. Let's plan for next year's messier marathon (imaging division)..hopefully lots would join in, those who have astronomy-capable cameras.
Thanks Reynold! Sana next year you can join the Messier Marathon as well!
Thanks Marvin. Hope to see you join us as a member na rin! Join us next year Mqarathon! Its fun!
Peter, lets see next year if it is worth opening up a new Messier Marathon Imaging division.
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