Saturday, January 8, 2011

Solar Imaging Session - January 8, 2011 (New AR11143 Sunspot Group !)

The sky this morning is hazy again but seeing was fair. the developing active region that was visible the past 2 days has developed further and now is designated AR11143 Sunspot Group as it develops 2 main small core. In Ha wavelength, this groups shows signs of activeness so we might expect some further development of this group in the days to come.

AR11140 Sunspot Group continues to maintain its structured component but activity inside its core has mellowed down even more in Ha light. Nevertheless, it is still the best sunspot for viewing compared to new AR11143 and AR11142 on the Sun.

The seeing condition was fair this morning for me to take another shot at AR11140 and new AR11143 Sunspot Group. Image acquired is still not that good but it still show better detail than what I had imaged the past few days.

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