Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Solar Imaging Session - October 31, 2012 (Huge Dark Filaments and Large Eruptive Prominences

It's been almost 27 days that I wasn't able to do any solar observation and imaging and I was glad that I was able to break the dry spell! The sky this morning is fair and seeing condition is good. I started to do Ha solar work and was able to see numerous dark filaments across the solar disk as well as 2 nice large eruptive prominences that can be seen in the SE and SW limb. As I was about to start my white light imaging, clouds started to interfere with my observation and seeing condition worsen but despite this condition, I was able to still snap a full disk solar image as well as a close up of AR11598 Sunspot Group which is not that good as I expected but nevertheless still tolerable despite the bad seeing :( I hope to do better imaging session tomorrow if weather permits.

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