There will be an annular solar eclipse that will be visible in nearby China but here in the Philippines, we will be treated with a 26.7% partiality in Manila. This partial eclipse will be visible in the entire country. WARNING: DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY OR THROUGH A TELESCOPE OR BINOCULARS WITHOUT PROPER SAFETY FILTERS OR PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE !!! Details of the eclipse courtesy of Fred Espenak for Manila and some major cities in the Philippines are as follows:
TIME (PST) Altitude Azimuth
1st Contact 3:49:04 pm 25 deg 238 deg WSW
Maximum Eclipse 26.7% 4:43:57 pm 11 deg 245 deg WSW
Sunset 5:46:00 pm 0 deg 248 deg WSW
4th Contact ------ ------ ------
TIME (PST) Altitude Azimuth
1st Contact 3:59:56 pm 22 deg 242 deg WSW
Maximum Eclipse 13.7% 4:52:19 pm 10 deg 246 deg WSW
4th Contact 5:39:46 pm 0 deg 249 deg WSW
TIME (PST) Altitude Azimuth
1st Contact 4:09:58 pm 20 deg 245 deg WSW
Maximum Eclipse 6.3% 4:50:28 pm 11 deg 247 deg WSW
4th Contact 5:28:05 pm 2 deg 248 deg WSW
ALPers will set up at Astro Camp Observatory in SM MOA San Miguel by the Bay to observe and image this eclipse with an optional setup site at parking area of Manila Oceanarium. For more details, please contact ALP President James Kevin Ty at 09178559863 or ALP PRO Armando Lee at 09177922053 in case you are joining us to observe this event.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
While most of us will be celebrating New Year's Day, there will be a mild 8% partial lunar eclipse that will be visible in the early morning. This is visible in our country as well as Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Penumbral eclipse will start at around 1:16am Phil Standard Time (PST) and umbra will start at 2:53am PST. Maximum eclipse of 8% will occur at around 3:23am PST and ends at 3:54pm. Penumbra shadow will end at 5:31am PST. The Moon will be situated in the constellation of Gemini. A detailed chart of this eclipse can be seen here courtesy of Fred Espenak. Details of the eclipse can be seen below:
TIME (PST) Altitude Azimuth
Moon enters Penumbra 1:16am 68 deg 300 deg WNW
Moon enters Umbra 2:53am 47 deg 290 deg WNW
Maximum Eclipse 8% 3:23am 40 deg 289 deg WNW
Moon exits Umbra 3:54am 34 deg 289 deg WNW
Moon exits Penumbra 5:31am 13 deg 291 deg WNW
We will be observing this eclipse at AstroCamp Observatory in SM MOA San Miguel by the Bay
TIME (PST) Altitude Azimuth
Moon enters Penumbra 1:16am 68 deg 300 deg WNW
Moon enters Umbra 2:53am 47 deg 290 deg WNW
Maximum Eclipse 8% 3:23am 40 deg 289 deg WNW
Moon exits Umbra 3:54am 34 deg 289 deg WNW
Moon exits Penumbra 5:31am 13 deg 291 deg WNW
We will be observing this eclipse at AstroCamp Observatory in SM MOA San Miguel by the Bay
Solar Imaging Session - December 31, 2009
The sky this morning was surprisingly very hazy! I had a hard time focusing as well well as getting a good exposure on the Sun in H-Alpha light. As I struggle to get a decent image, I notice the Sun becoming quiet again as the year 2009 is ending :( There was a faint loop prominence visible on the solar limb . AR 11039 sunspot group is still quite active in Ha wavelength despite the fact that one of the 3 main components of the group decayed after a day :( Nevertheless, the sunspot is still a joy to look at in white light wavelength.
I was able to get a little improvement in seeing during my white light imaging session. Got to image whole disk as well as close up shot of the AR 11039.
Happy New Year to All! Best wishes and clearer skies to all of us!

The sky this morning was surprisingly very hazy! I had a hard time focusing as well well as getting a good exposure on the Sun in H-Alpha light. As I struggle to get a decent image, I notice the Sun becoming quiet again as the year 2009 is ending :( There was a faint loop prominence visible on the solar limb . AR 11039 sunspot group is still quite active in Ha wavelength despite the fact that one of the 3 main components of the group decayed after a day :( Nevertheless, the sunspot is still a joy to look at in white light wavelength.
I was able to get a little improvement in seeing during my white light imaging session. Got to image whole disk as well as close up shot of the AR 11039.
Happy New Year to All! Best wishes and clearer skies to all of us!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 30, 2009 (AR 11039 now has 3 main components !)
The sky this morning is clear and the seeing is fair. I monitor the solar limb to see if the huge eruptive prominence that I saw yesterday is still visible but unfortunately, it has deteriorated in size already :( But it is still worth observing and imaging as well as some smaller prominences visible in the solar limb.
AR 11039 continues to grow and now it has 3 main components! Seeing was not that good as I tried imaging the group up close but the seeing forbids me to get a very high resolution shot of the group. Nevertheless, I still try to image it to share it with fellow solar enthusiasts.

The sky this morning is clear and the seeing is fair. I monitor the solar limb to see if the huge eruptive prominence that I saw yesterday is still visible but unfortunately, it has deteriorated in size already :( But it is still worth observing and imaging as well as some smaller prominences visible in the solar limb.
AR 11039 continues to grow and now it has 3 main components! Seeing was not that good as I tried imaging the group up close but the seeing forbids me to get a very high resolution shot of the group. Nevertheless, I still try to image it to share it with fellow solar enthusiasts.

Solar Imaging Session - December 29, 2009 (Another Huge Eruptive Prominence !)
I wake up early this morning to continue monitoring the AR 11039 developments but I was awe by the beautiful large eruptive prominence that seems to tell me to image her than the sunspot group :) LOL It was a tall prominence unfortunately, I still have to go to work so I wasn't able to continue monitoring its size in the afternoon :( Fellow ALPer Armando Lee reported to me that fellow ALPer Wilbert Palma who was stationed in the AstroCamp observatory was also able to view the beautiful eruptive prominence as well also through a PST-Ha . Several nice eruptive prominences were also visible and imaged by me .
AR 11039 continue to shows its active activity as her 2 major component group is growing in size compared to yesterday's image.

I wake up early this morning to continue monitoring the AR 11039 developments but I was awe by the beautiful large eruptive prominence that seems to tell me to image her than the sunspot group :) LOL It was a tall prominence unfortunately, I still have to go to work so I wasn't able to continue monitoring its size in the afternoon :( Fellow ALPer Armando Lee reported to me that fellow ALPer Wilbert Palma who was stationed in the AstroCamp observatory was also able to view the beautiful eruptive prominence as well also through a PST-Ha . Several nice eruptive prominences were also visible and imaged by me .
AR 11039 continue to shows its active activity as her 2 major component group is growing in size compared to yesterday's image.

Solar Imaging Session - December 28, 2009 (Huge Eruptive Prominence !)
There are also several nice group of prominences visible as well in the solar limb with one huge , beautiful eruptive prominence that is easy to see even at low power view through the PST-Ha.

Sky this morning is slightly cloudy a bit but I can still see the Sun. Seeing was fair at 1/5. AR 11039 continues to grow in structure and and I hope before year ends, the sunspot group will treat us with a beautiful structured sunspot group.
There are also several nice group of prominences visible as well in the solar limb with one huge , beautiful eruptive prominence that is easy to see even at low power view through the PST-Ha.

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 27, 2009 (AR 11039 finally developed into a sunspot group!)
The sky this morning is clear again but the seeing condition is very bad! Finally, my prayers are answered! After 4 days as a faculae region, AR 11039 Sunspot Group finally emerges from that region! Although the sunspot is very small, possibility of developing into a complex group is possible in the days to come.
It was again pleasant to be able to observe another sunspot group this weekend. Through the PST-Ha scope, the 11039 has a good structure and pleasant to view. There are 2 large eruptive prominence also visible in the solar limb but I feel the excitement of the sunspot group emerging eclipsed the two prominence's view :) LOL
Another bright faculae is also developing near the western limb and I hope this will get a designation of an AR before it exits the limb.
The seeing today was so poor that out of more than 500 images of the AR11039, I was only able to get a fair image of the sunspot group only! Although not that high resolution as I wanted it to be, I still posted it for viewers to get an idea of its structure. Maybe better luck for me again tomorrow to image it.

The sky this morning is clear again but the seeing condition is very bad! Finally, my prayers are answered! After 4 days as a faculae region, AR 11039 Sunspot Group finally emerges from that region! Although the sunspot is very small, possibility of developing into a complex group is possible in the days to come.
It was again pleasant to be able to observe another sunspot group this weekend. Through the PST-Ha scope, the 11039 has a good structure and pleasant to view. There are 2 large eruptive prominence also visible in the solar limb but I feel the excitement of the sunspot group emerging eclipsed the two prominence's view :) LOL
Another bright faculae is also developing near the western limb and I hope this will get a designation of an AR before it exits the limb.
The seeing today was so poor that out of more than 500 images of the AR11039, I was only able to get a fair image of the sunspot group only! Although not that high resolution as I wanted it to be, I still posted it for viewers to get an idea of its structure. Maybe better luck for me again tomorrow to image it.

Solar Imaging Session - December 26, 2009
The sky this morning is clear with fair seeing condition. AR 11036 and 11038 Sunspot Groups are no longer visible. The active region near the eastern limb is still growing but no sunspot has develop yet on this region. Im still closely monitoring this region of interest as it might grow some sunspots on this active faculae region.

The sky this morning is clear with fair seeing condition. AR 11036 and 11038 Sunspot Groups are no longer visible. The active region near the eastern limb is still growing but no sunspot has develop yet on this region. Im still closely monitoring this region of interest as it might grow some sunspots on this active faculae region.

Friday, December 25, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 25, 2009
Got to wake up early this morning and the sky was clear but the seeing is not that great though. I started off with white light observation and imaging and continue to monitor the active region near the eastern limb. That region has rotated a bit to show its faculae region which was a bit easy to see . Unfortunately, no sunspots have yet develop on this region so the AR 11039 designation need to be halted until some sunspots will develop in the days to come. But from my previous experience on solar observation, there is a big possibility it will get designated in the days to come on this region.
AR 11036 and 11038 can still be viewed with a bit difficulty because it is in the extreme edge of the western limb already but if one check my whole disk image, it is obvious they arfe still there :) LOL
Aside from the active region, there are 2 moderate sized prominences that can be seen aside from some more smaller prominences. One note though is my first time to image at high resolution of the active region again since 2007! Although the seeing prevented me from doing high resolution, the image is still worth archiving. I do hope to do more high resolution in the days to come.

Got to wake up early this morning and the sky was clear but the seeing is not that great though. I started off with white light observation and imaging and continue to monitor the active region near the eastern limb. That region has rotated a bit to show its faculae region which was a bit easy to see . Unfortunately, no sunspots have yet develop on this region so the AR 11039 designation need to be halted until some sunspots will develop in the days to come. But from my previous experience on solar observation, there is a big possibility it will get designated in the days to come on this region.
AR 11036 and 11038 can still be viewed with a bit difficulty because it is in the extreme edge of the western limb already but if one check my whole disk image, it is obvious they arfe still there :) LOL
Aside from the active region, there are 2 moderate sized prominences that can be seen aside from some more smaller prominences. One note though is my first time to image at high resolution of the active region again since 2007! Although the seeing prevented me from doing high resolution, the image is still worth archiving. I do hope to do more high resolution in the days to come.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 24, 2009
The sky this morning was a bit hazy but seeing was surprisingly good. I was able to see a nice moderate size eruptive prominence as well as several smaller ones as well. AR11036 and AR11038 Sunspot Groups have decayed but their faculae stricture remains visible both in Ha light as well as White Light.
The good seeing didnt last long as after 30 minutes, seeing deteriorated and I was not able to get a high resolution shot of the 2 sunspot group in white light :( I was only able to get a whole disk white light image which shows both the AR11036 and AR 11038 as well as a "possible" new sunspot group that is emerging from the eastern limb. A big possibility this will be AR 11039 but we will know by tomorrow if it did grow into a sunspot group.

The sky this morning was a bit hazy but seeing was surprisingly good. I was able to see a nice moderate size eruptive prominence as well as several smaller ones as well. AR11036 and AR11038 Sunspot Groups have decayed but their faculae stricture remains visible both in Ha light as well as White Light.
The good seeing didnt last long as after 30 minutes, seeing deteriorated and I was not able to get a high resolution shot of the 2 sunspot group in white light :( I was only able to get a whole disk white light image which shows both the AR11036 and AR 11038 as well as a "possible" new sunspot group that is emerging from the eastern limb. A big possibility this will be AR 11039 but we will know by tomorrow if it did grow into a sunspot group.

Monday, December 21, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 20, 2009
After the conclusion of an overnight ALP Astro-Camp stargazing session last December 19-20, 2009. I was able to see the Sun peering through cloud openings and since AR 11035 is still visible near the limb, I trained my scope to the Sun and was able to see not only AR11035 Group but also 2 more smaller groups, AR 11036 and 11037 as well. Since the seeing was not good (Caliraya has a good transparency most of the time though) , I was only able to image the Sun in whole disk not in high resolution :( Anyway, there will be more sunspots coming as the start of Solar Maximum will nearing.
After the conclusion of an overnight ALP Astro-Camp stargazing session last December 19-20, 2009. I was able to see the Sun peering through cloud openings and since AR 11035 is still visible near the limb, I trained my scope to the Sun and was able to see not only AR11035 Group but also 2 more smaller groups, AR 11036 and 11037 as well. Since the seeing was not good (Caliraya has a good transparency most of the time though) , I was only able to image the Sun in whole disk not in high resolution :( Anyway, there will be more sunspots coming as the start of Solar Maximum will nearing.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 14, 2009 (Huge Eruptive Prominences !!!)
The sky this morning is clear but seeing is fair only at 1/5. As I peer through the eyepiece of my PST-Ha, I was able to still see 2 huge prominences as well as another large eruptive prominence ! Wow! What a day! I wasted no time to start imaging the Sun for fear clouds will suddenly popped out from nowhere and start covering Old Sol :) LOL
From my observation, the huge eruptive prominence that I got to image yesterday is starting to deteriorate already but is still very huge!
As for the other large eruptive prominence that I got to miss yesterday due to clouds, it has become bigger and is almost at par now with the size of the huge prominence I mentioned.

Unfortunately, I will be going out of town for provincial work so I would not be able to monitor them anymore till I get back on the weekend :(
The sky this morning is clear but seeing is fair only at 1/5. As I peer through the eyepiece of my PST-Ha, I was able to still see 2 huge prominences as well as another large eruptive prominence ! Wow! What a day! I wasted no time to start imaging the Sun for fear clouds will suddenly popped out from nowhere and start covering Old Sol :) LOL
From my observation, the huge eruptive prominence that I got to image yesterday is starting to deteriorate already but is still very huge!

Also, AR 11034 Sunspot Group Region is still visible but is starting also to deteriorate as well.

Another large eruptive prominence is also visible.

Another large eruptive prominence is also visible.

Unfortunately, I will be going out of town for provincial work so I would not be able to monitor them anymore till I get back on the weekend :(
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 13, 2009
Due to last night high school class Xmas party, I was dead tired after going home and was able to wake up late in the morning already. Nevertheless, with the sky a bit cloudy and hazy, I had some hesitation to do my routine solar work, but my love for the Sun deep inside practically yelling at me to setup and observe the Sun.
Oh God! I was surprised to see a huge eruptive solar prominence as well as a large one but the weather was really bad but I still continue monitoring and hoping for some small openings for me to image the 2 prominences. Well, patience has its fruits and I was blessed to image one of the 2 prominences only before whole sky clouded out :(
Nevertheless, I was able to get the huge eruptive prominence and it can be viewed below:
Due to last night high school class Xmas party, I was dead tired after going home and was able to wake up late in the morning already. Nevertheless, with the sky a bit cloudy and hazy, I had some hesitation to do my routine solar work, but my love for the Sun deep inside practically yelling at me to setup and observe the Sun.
Oh God! I was surprised to see a huge eruptive solar prominence as well as a large one but the weather was really bad but I still continue monitoring and hoping for some small openings for me to image the 2 prominences. Well, patience has its fruits and I was blessed to image one of the 2 prominences only before whole sky clouded out :(
Nevertheless, I was able to get the huge eruptive prominence and it can be viewed below:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 9, 2009
The sky this morning is clear and the seeing is also very good. But unfortunately, there are no big sized solar prominences for me to image. Nevertheless, there are 2 moderate size eruptive prominences that are visible in the solar limb. Seeing is around 2/5. Hope tomorrow will have again a good sky and good seeing as well as big prominences .................. :)

The sky this morning is clear and the seeing is also very good. But unfortunately, there are no big sized solar prominences for me to image. Nevertheless, there are 2 moderate size eruptive prominences that are visible in the solar limb. Seeing is around 2/5. Hope tomorrow will have again a good sky and good seeing as well as big prominences .................. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 8, 2009
The sky this morning is slightly cloudy and since there are some small opening in the clouds, I scanned the Sun with the PST-Ha. Seeing was fair at 1/5 . There are 2 nice prominence groups that are visible but unfortunately, I was only able to image one of them before clouds covered the sky again :(
The sky this morning is slightly cloudy and since there are some small opening in the clouds, I scanned the Sun with the PST-Ha. Seeing was fair at 1/5 . There are 2 nice prominence groups that are visible but unfortunately, I was only able to image one of them before clouds covered the sky again :(
Moon Watching With KC
Last night, the sky was a bitclear for me to be able to see the Moon rising from the eastern horizon. my son KC also saw the waning gibbous Moon and was pestering me to set up the scope to see the Moon. So I quickly setup the Meade ETX-90AT and in 10- minutes, the scope was trained at the Moon. Seeing was fair and the craters at the terminator was beautiful! KC's eyes was almost glued to the eyepiece and knows how to press the Autostar controller to center the Moon in the field :) LOL
We got to observe the Moon at our house's eastern window till around 2:00am before packing up and calling it a day :) LOL Before, I pack up the scope, I used that opportunity to snap a few shots of the Moon for posterity.

Last night, the sky was a bitclear for me to be able to see the Moon rising from the eastern horizon. my son KC also saw the waning gibbous Moon and was pestering me to set up the scope to see the Moon. So I quickly setup the Meade ETX-90AT and in 10- minutes, the scope was trained at the Moon. Seeing was fair and the craters at the terminator was beautiful! KC's eyes was almost glued to the eyepiece and knows how to press the Autostar controller to center the Moon in the field :) LOL
We got to observe the Moon at our house's eastern window till around 2:00am before packing up and calling it a day :) LOL Before, I pack up the scope, I used that opportunity to snap a few shots of the Moon for posterity.

KC showing off the Autostar controller of his Meade ETX-90AT
KC looking at the Moon through the ETX-90AT
KC: The Moon is beautiful! Want to take a look?
Waning Gibbous Moon

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Solar Imaging Session - December 2, 2009
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