The sky this morning was again clear and seeing condition is good as well. The SW huge hedgerow prominence that was visible yesterday is still visible but has started to deteriorate a bit but still quite beautiful to observe. A new AR11427 sunspot group is now visible and is to the east of AR11423 Sunspot Group as well as a new AR11428 Sunspot group in the SE quadrant. The large dark filament in the NE quadrant is still visible and looks like a straight wall :) Also, a new huge sunspot group can be seen in the edge of the NE limb and might be designated AR11429 in the days to come. This sunspot group is a welcome to solar observers and imagers as the Sun has been very quiet the past few days and I'm sure solar enthusiasts will agree with me that this will excite all of us this coming days as it emerges out of the Wilson Effect in the days to come. AR11423 Sunspot group is very quiet and is about to exit the NW limb in the next few days.

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