Friday, December 30, 2011

Solar Imaging Session - December 29, 2011 (New AR11389 Sunspot Group)

The sky this morning was partly clear and seeing condition again is only fair. With AR11387 Sunspot Group about to exit the SW limb, a new AR11389 Sunspot Group is emerging in the SE limb :) The group is photogenic even if it is still in the limb thus showing Wilson Effect. Yesterday's Large NW eruptive prominence is still visible in the NW limb but has started to subside a bit in size although can still be considered large in size. AR11384 Sunspot Group continues to show nice umbral structure in its main core. I was also able to image AR11384, AR11386 , AR11388 and AR11389 Sunspot Groups in white light wavelength as well.

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