Friday, December 30, 2011

Solar Imaging Session - December 31, 2011 (Large SE Eruptive Prominence & NE Dark Filament !!!)

The sky this morning is partly clear with numerous clouds hovering near the Sun. I quickly setup my solar rig and start to observe and image the Sun. In Ha wavelength, the SE quadrant is very active with a large group of eruptive prominence as well as very active AR11389 and AR11388 Sunspot Groups. There is also a long dark filament that is visible in the NE quadrant. AR11384 Sunspot Group is about to exit the eastern limb. A new AR11390 Sunspot Group can also be seen in the NE quadrant but contains small pores only amid its size in length. AR11386 Sunspot Group is quiet in its core.

In white light wavelength, AR11389 and AR11388 Sunspot Group is a very photogenic sunspot group in the SE quadrant while we are bidding farewell to AR11384 Sunspot Group which is about to exit the eastern limb.

Happy New and Prosperous Year to all of you! May we all have more clear skies and even more energetic solar activity this coming 2012 !!!

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