Saturday, June 29, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - June 30, 2024

The sky this morning is cloudy and seeing condition is fair. AR3727 Region is still growing in size while departing AR3719 Region is nearing the SW limb. in Ha, AR3727, 3728 and 3723 region possess the most active flaring region on the Sun's surface right now. New AR3731 is growing as well as AR3729 region. Wasn't able to image AR3731 and AR3729 region in Ha as clouded out.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - June 27, 2024

The sky this afternoon is partly cloudy and seeing condition is fair. AR3723 aka former giant AR3664 has decayed considerably and now is more pore spots remaining but taking its place near its region is AR3727 which has grow considerably as well and is coming out of its Wilson Effect from the SE limb. AR3719 region as well as AR3723 region shows a lot of flaring activities on their core structure. AR3722 and AR3724 region is almost same as before in structure and size.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - June 25, 2024

The sky is cloudy almost the whole day and I was only able to image the Sun very late in the afternoon already thus the seeing condition is poor. AR3723 which is the 3rd passing of giant AR3664 region last May has emerge again from the SE limb and still shows some structures although it is obvious it had decayed a lot from its original passing but it has survive its 3rd passing. Its second passing end of May was designated AR3697. AR3723 shows more activity in Ha wavelength than in whitelight so hopefully, the region will increase in activity in the days to come. But the biggest sunspot on the Sun right now is not AR3723 but rather AR3719.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - June 19, 2024

The sky this morning is very cloudy and I got a small cloud opening for me to image AR3713, AR3712 as well as AR3716 Region in white light wavelength before I got totally clouded out again.
In the afternoon, the sky partly opens up for me to image AR3713, AR3712 & AR3716 region in Ha wavelength as well as full disk white light shots through hazy sky and moderate seeing condition.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - June 17, 2024

The sky this morning is hazy and cloudy but seeing condition is strangely very good. I initially had a tough time looking for cloud opening this morning that after I got some good clearing during Ha imaging session that I quickly had to go back to white light imaging again and throw away an hour worth of data and get a new set which I think is decent than my earlier attempt this morning. AR3712 region continues to grow in size and structure and since lots of clouds in the sky that I just made a quick imaging run only on AR3712 region as well as the large NE hedgerow prominence only for this session before calling it a day.