Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lunar Imaging Session - August 22, 2024

The sky this evening is very hazy but seeing condition is fair. As I was heading home, I saw the Waning Gibbous Moon rising up from the eastern horizon but thick haze and clouds try to discourage me to do a lunar session butI miss the Moon so I waited for a small break in the clouds to image the 88% illuminated Waning Gibbous Moon using Canon EOS M6 mirrorless camera with Borg 76ED Refractor with 1/2000 sec exposure at ISO 400.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - August 22, 2024

The sky this morning is clear and seeing condition is very good. I missed out AR3796's earlier bright flare event as it was still before sunrise here in the Philippines. Nevertheless, I was able to image AR3796 Region with still some small remnant left of its bright flare. AR3790 Region shows signs of starting to breakup slowly while AR3792 Region still maintain its size. AR3799 is growing a bit fast as it enters into the SE limb. The huge prominence in the SE limb is still visible but has decayed a little as well as it ejects out part of its prominence away from the Sun.

Solar Imaging Session - August 21, 2024

The sky this lunchtime is partly clear but seeing condition is good. AR3792 and AR3790 region as well as AR3796 region are a joy to view with its core complexities both in white light as well as Ha wavelength. There is also a huge faint hedgerow prominence in the SE limb as well as a nice large semi-looped prominence in the western limb beside AR3788 region.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - August 18, 2024

The sky this morning is super hazy and impossible to image as images are very low contrast due to thick haze and cloudy sky. But in the afternoon , the sky improved a little for me to do some "trying hard" shots of AR3784 and the close pair of AR3792 & AR3790 Region through thin haze. In Ha wavelength, AR3792 and AR3790 Region are somewhat interconnected by a S shaped flare looping between the 2 regions. There is also a nice large hedgerow prominence in the SE limb . I later got news that the thick haze is caused by emission smog most probably caused by nearby Taal Volcano so thats why it was strangely too hazy today... Sigh...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - August 17, 2024

The sky this morning is clear and seeing condition is fair. AR3784 Region is still almost the same size as yesterday in terms of its main spot core structure. Only small flaring activity can be seen inside its core structure. A new AR3792 Region which is emerging out from the SE limb has a large main sunspot core and can probably rival the size of AR3784 when it comes out of the Wilson Effect in the days to come. A nice large SE hedgerow prominence can also be seen in the SE limb.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - August 16, 2024

The sky this morning is partly cloudy and seeing condition is fair. Unfortunately, I wake up late this morning thus I was only able to do whitelight imaging before I got obstructed by building. I was able to get the Ha images after lunch when the sky is clear and seeing condition is likewise same as this morning. AR3784 Region is the largest group now on the Sun's disk. AR3780 Region is about to exit the SW limb already. There is also a detached FilaProm in the NW limb beside AR3781 Region. New emerging AR3790 Region is shown beside a beautiful fountain prominence in the SE limb while another large hedgerow prominence can also be seen in the NE limb.