Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Solar Imaging Session - January 7, 2014

The sky this morning is cloudy and I thought I wouldn't be able to image this morning. Then just before I'm about to leave house for work, There was a small 5 minutes of clear sky from the whole cloudy sky for me to get to image Giant ART11944 Sunspot Group before getting clouded out again. Despite the bad weather, I was quite shocked to be able to image AR11944 Sunspot Group in almost perfect seeing condition!!! I was also able to get another shot of the Sun this time in full disk after 15 minutes but the seeing condition suddenly become poor again :( Is this pure luck or coincidence, I myself is still dumbfounded with the results :) LOL I wasn't able to do any Ha wavelength imaging due to cloudy sky after my white light imaging session.

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