Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Solar Imaging Session - September 29, 2015

The sky before lunchtime is clear and seeing condition is not bad as well. AR2422 Sunspot Group obviously is the dominating object on the Sun right now both in white light and Ha wavelength. There is a nice dark filament coming out from AR2420 Sunspot Group as well as a large eruptive prominence visible on the western limb. The rest of the sunspot groups are small to moderate size only. I try to play around with my white light processing in close up shot and looks like a found something that is worth testing out further specially if under good seeing. My granulation this morning is obviously much clearer a bit than my previous granulation shots which is very soft but noticeable nevertheless. Filamentary structures on the main sunspot groups are also now more prominent than before even under fair seeing condition. Hopefully this is the correct processing or maybe perhaps it is just the seeing conditions only :) Anyway, we will see int he days to come.

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