Friday, May 10, 2024

Solar Imaging Session - May 10, 2024

The sky this morning is very cloudy but seeing condition is fair. AR3664 Region continues to be active in flaring activity but so far doesn't produce a super flare yet despite its enormous size which can be comparable to the record holder Carrington Sunspot of 1859 which is huge and produce huge coronal mass ejection (CMEs) back in 1859! Initially, I thought I will be totally clouded out for this solar session as I was waiting for some opening in the sky to get a few shots of it since 8:30am. But around 10:00am, a small opening in the clouds allows me to capture AR3664 both in whitelight and Ha wavelength before I got clouded out again :( Yesterday's huge SW eruptive prominence was still there but I wasn't able to capture it because of total overcast after capturing AR3664. Nevertheless, I'm still happy to capture the region.

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