Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lunar Imaging Session - October 30, 2013

Once again, my alarm clock and fellow ALPer Oli de Guzman's Viber Call alarm didn't helped me wake up at 4:00am :( Sigh! Nevertheless, I wake up at around 4:45am already and saw the Moon on a clear sky. I quickly setup my telescope and try to image the Moon at moderate resolution. Seeing is not that good this morning thus I didn't attempt to increase magnification. I used the ZWO ASI120MM webcam for the second night on the Moon but this time around , I i added a Televue 2x Big Barlow to increase the magnification. I image this morning around Pythagoras Region as well as Gassendi Crater / Mare Humorum region. Despite the poor seeing, the ASI120MM was again able to impressed me with its great contrast and resolution which are by far my best. I hope to increase the resolution tomorrow morning using a 5x Televue Powermate if seeing permits.

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