Thursday, December 2, 2010

Solar Imaging Session - December 3, 2010 (AR11131 & AR11130 Sunspot Groups and 2 Large Eruptive Prominences !!! )

The sky this morning was clouded out and I have concluded that i won't be able to do any solar observation this morning because of bad weather. But after I brought my kid to school and return home, I saw some sunlight breaking through the clouds and I quickly went back home and setup my solar imaging kits and waited.

True enough , a small window of opportunity opens up and I manage to do some quick video clips of AR11131 and AR11130 Sunspot Groups. AR11131 shows a circular type of Sunspot Group and it is big compare to AR11130 main sunspot component in size!

AR11130 Sunspot Group , on the other hand, show signs of decaying and it seems to shrunk in size a bit already but I don't know how much will still remain on this group for me to image it tomorrow :( @ huge eruptive prominences are visible both in NW and SE limb.

But before I could do white light image of the 2 groups, I got clouded out again and then it rained :) LOL Well, I still consider myself lucky to still be able to do some solar work today :)

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