Monday, April 23, 2012

Solar Imaging Session - April 23, 2012 (Huge Northern Eruptive Prominence and Dark Filaments!)

The sky this morning is a bit hazy and the Sun is starting to rise a bit NE as the days come and I will have a difficult time to see the Sun on my normal window view :( I might need to move 2 of my kid's cabinet to give me room to be able to move my mount to give me some more window access to do further solar imaging in the days to come. AR11462 Sunspot Group continues to grow while AR11463 Sunspot Group exits the SW limb. AR11465 Sunspot Group as well as new AR11466 Sunspot Groups are starting to grow in size and structure. A huge faint eruptive prominence is visible in the northern hemisphere of the Sun while 2 long dark filaments can be seen as well beautifully in the SW quadrant. AR11459 Sunspot Group continues to be active inside its core. I wasn't able to image in white light as the Sun got clouded out :(

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